Sunday, 21 January 2007

Week of Jan 14 - 20

I Managed to run 18.3 miles this week. I only ran 4 days, due to weather. I hate running on the treadmill, but half of the miles were on the treadmill, including a 10K on Monday morning.

Yesterday I ran 6.2 miles around Clement Park. It was nice. It was cold and there were still patches of snow and ice, but it was nice. See above picture, taken after my run. It is of poor quality, taken on a cell phone, and it is certainly not a thing of beauty - but I want a reminder of what this past month has looked like, and that is definitely representative of the last month.

This week starts with more snow falling. I had planned on getting out to a park and running another 6.2 miles this morning, but I will wait and hopefully the snow will slow down. Perhaps I can get out later and put in a few miles on the dreaded treadmill.

I hope I never forget this dreadful winter. When I wake up on a spring or summer morning, the sun is shining, and I can go directly outside in shorts and a shirt and run safely on dry pavement, I hope I remember these dark, cold, snowy, and icy days.


Adam said...

Running in the snow is character building. Based on the weather lately, I wont have the chance to build my character much.

Full Metal Lunchbox said...

You are off to a great start and I am impressed what your goals and training so far.

Keep up the good work!

Sue said...

Hi, thanks for stopping by.

Good luck with your training - as if it isn't hard enough to train for a half marathon, you have to endure those weather conditions as well!

Have linked you so will pop by to see how you are progressing.